directed by dennis wood
The Cat in the Hat tells the story of Horton, an elephant who discovers a speck of dust containing Whos, including Jojo, a Who child sent off to military school for thinking too many "thinks." Horton faces a double challenge--not only must he protect the Whos from a world of naysayers and dangers, but he must guard an abandoned egg, left to his care by the irresponsible Mayzie La Bird. Although Horton faces ridicule, danger, kidnapping, and a trial, the intrepid Gertrude McFuzz never loses faith in him. Ultimately, the powers of friendship, loyalty, family, and community are challenged and emerge triumphant.
Cat in the Hat- Matt Kirk
JoJo- Gavin Drew
Horton the Elephant- Taylor Okey
Gertrude McFuzz- Carissa Wood
Mayzie La Bird- Melissa Fiechter
Sour Kangaroo- Darci Jo Smith
Mr. Mayor- Tom Drew
Mrs. Mayor- Susie Wood
General Schmitz- Otto Lowe
Lead Wickersham- Nathan Garrison
Bird Girl 1- Taryn Gerber
Bird Girl 2- Missy Nolan
Bird Girl 3- Brandi Albright
Grinch- David Reiff
Judge Yertle the Turtle- Judge Bill Goshorn
Marshall- Bailey Nodine
Vlad Vladikoff- Kyle Marshall
Thing 1- Colton Anderson
Thing 2- Chance Anderson